Packaging films with instant shelf appeal


Buffalo Mexican Corn Chips

Packaging is the first thing your customer sees when they look at your product amidst the myriad of other products on offer in today’s busy supermarkets and how that product presents, the first second the potential purchaser sees it, determines whether they make the decision to buy.

Accolade Packaging is a 100 percent New Zealand owned packaging film printing company, specialising in protective food packaging to extend shelf life and provide instant shelf appeal to consumers.

As well as being able to perforate the film for ready to eat heated products, such as pies and sausage rolls, Accolade manufactures laminated films to provide oxygen barrier protection, or to entrap the print from harsh abrasion environments, such as freezers.

With short lead-times and high speed presses, Accolade Packaging ensures that any demanding deadline can be met on time.

A key component in getting a cost-effective result is a well designed pack that looks great, but runs well in the production environment.

Accolade doesn’t just print films, but manufactures and supplies the equipment that wraps them. This means the pack will be designed to ensure the production aspects of faster product changeovers, and correct bag lengths are ‘built in’ to create overall film savings for the food manufacturer.

With the exchange rate dropping, and the economy slowing, it makes sense to look to a local film producer who can supply a better product, with a short leadtime, and have control over your supply chain, packaging designs, and costs.

Managing director Clark Dury explains: “A large number of Accolade’s customers used to import from off-shore, but with shipping delays, having to pay up front, increases in freight costs, and then the packaging to turn up with the wrong barcode on … the whole scenario just doesn’t stack up any longer. We pride ourselves on producing packaging films that are competitive on price with imports, but without the downsides – and employing New Zealanders at the same time.”

For more information:

Freephone: 0800 109 002

