Enhanced vision capability for improved sorter performance


Tegra sorter

Key Technology introduces an enhanced vision capability for its popular Tegra® in-air colour sorters.

Featuring twice the number of cameras as other Tegra sorters with the same width, the new Tegra 7755E achieves unprecedented line-of-sight for better all-around viewing with virtually no hidden areas.

Designed for customers looking to improve product quality and food safety, this sorter’s full-object view increases detection and removal of foreign material (FM) and defects, with the greatest gains in small defect removal.

Key designed this new vision capability specifically for a carrot customer looking to remove more small defects. The technology is ideal for a wide range of sliced, diced, and whole fruits and vegetables as well as many potato products, snack foods, candies, nuts, and more. The half-wide Tegra, including the new Tegra 7755E, sorts up to 7.5 tonnes per hour, depending on the product.

For higher volume processing lines, Key’s full-wide Tegra, with its 1500mm wide platform, sorts up to 15 tonnes per hour. Key can equip Tegra with RBG, Vis/IR (visible infrared), and UV colour cameras and can programme the sorter to operate at a scan rate of 4000 or 8000 to meet the exact needs of each application.

Food processors with installed half-wide Tegra sorters can upgrade to the enhanced 7755E in the field.

For more information:

Visit: www.key.net/products/tegra
